Pakistan Business Forum calls for FBR restructuring and increased use of technology - News advertisement

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Monday, December 30, 2024


Pakistan Business Forum calls for FBR restructuring and increased use of technology

 December 30, 2024


The Pakistan Business Forum has called on the federal government to restructure the FBR and increase the use of technology.

The Pakistan Business Forum has said that the government should introduce a new, simple and easy one-page tax return form. Before passing the new tax laws, it will be necessary to make it easier to file taxes. The non-filer category is also a creation of the government.

Vice President Ahmed Jawad says that the Pakistan Business Forum is sending the government a simple draft for filling out tax returns. The reason for the lack of increase in tax filers is the complicated tax filing system.

He said that the 5-year Udan Pakistan program should also include tax reforms and strengthening the rupee. Giving tax authorities broad powers to enforce the proposed new tax laws will create further anxiety among the public.

The Pakistan Business Forum says that we must also look at the new proposed tax bill in the context of the Constitution of Pakistan.

Ahmed Jawad said that if everyone comes together on four or five things, including the Charter of Economy, the pace of economic growth will accelerate. The country's GDP will reach 8 percent only when the share of agriculture is 5 percent

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