Pakistan, Saudi Arabia vow to address shared security concerns - News advertisement

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Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Pakistan, Saudi Arabia vow to address shared security concerns

 Inside Priest Mohsin Naqvi meets Saudi partner to examine shared security interests, collaboration

December 17, 2024


Naqvi talks about security interests with Saudi partner.

The two chiefs underscore fortifying reciprocal cooperation.

Emphasize resolve to collaborate on counter-opiates measures.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and Saudi Arabia on Tuesday accentuated on fortifying two-sided coordinated effort, especially in battling drug pirating and tending to shared security concerns.

The improvement came during a significant level gathering between Inside Clergyman Mohsin Naqvi with his Saudi partner Abdulaziz canister Saud container Naif in Riyadh wherein conversations in regards to common security interests and participation occurred.

During the gathering, the two chiefs underlined fortifying reciprocal cooperation, especially in battling drug carrying and tending to other shared security concerns.

Abdulaziz heartily invited Naqvi and his appointment, communicating the realm's proceeded with obligation to supporting Islamabad.

Naqvi, consequently, featured the profound strict and brotherly ties between the two countries, expressing, "Saudi Arabia has consistently remained by Pakistan during testing times, and we profoundly esteem this getting through organization."

The Pakistani assignment included Diplomat Ahmed Farooq, Chief General of Identifications and Migration Mustafa Jamal Qazi, and Extra Secretary of the Service of Inside Riffat Mukhtar Raja.

Senior Saudi authorities, including Agent Inside Clergyman Nasser Al-Dawood and Head of Public Security Lieutenant General Mohammed Al-Bassami, were likewise present.

The pioneers repeated their purpose to upgrade collaboration on counter-opiates measures and different areas of shared interest, further cementing the memorable and key association between the two countries.

Naqvi, who is on a visit to Saudi Arabia, prior visited Safe Downtown area of Saudi Arabia and Public Security Police Central command in Riyadh and surveyed the framework outfitted with current innovation to forestall wrongdoings.

He likewise held a gathering with Saudi Clergyman of State for Inside Dr Khalid Mohammed Abdullah Al Battal wherein matters of shared interest and Pak-Saudi relations were examined.

During the gathering, the two nations additionally consented to actuate the joint team at the earliest for public security.

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