Something like 13 dead after maritime vessel hits traveler boat off Mumbai - News advertisement

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Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Something like 13 dead after maritime vessel hits traveler boat off Mumbai

 Naval force says more than 99 protected later "Neelkamal" overturned with salvage tasks in progress for other people

December 18, 2024


Boat inverted with in excess of 100 travelers ready.

Naval force says create "let completely go endeavor motor preliminaries".

Traveler boat inverted while heading to Elephanta caves.

MUMBAI: Something like 13 individuals kicked the bucket when a boat with in excess of 100 travelers upset off the bank of India's monetary capital Mumbai in the wake of slamming into an Indian Naval force boat on Wednesday, authorities said.

The naval force said 99 individuals were safeguarded with endeavors progressing for other people.

"An Indian Naval force make let completely go while undertaking motor preliminaries in Mumbai Harbor because of motor glitch. Thus, the boat crashed into a traveler ship which hence upset," the Naval force said in an explanation on X.

Neighborhood Television slots showed a boat conveying something like five individuals stirring things up around town vehicle, causing the mishap.

"The speedboat collided with our boat and water began entering our boat and it toppled. The driver requested that we wear lifejackets," a traveler on board the vessel told ABP Majha news channel.

"I swam for fifteen minutes before I was safeguarded by another boat," said the traveler, who didn't distinguish himself.

The exclusive traveler boat, called Neelkamal, was going towards the Elephanta caves, a well known vacationer location off the shore of Mumbai, when it inverted, BMC said.

The caverns, which see a constant flow of sightseers as the year progressed, are an UNESCO legacy site and were built in the fifth sixth hundreds of years Promotion.

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