Inflation has decreased in the country, the current program will be the last IMF program: Finance Minister - News advertisement

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Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Inflation has decreased in the country, the current program will be the last IMF program: Finance Minister

  January 15, 2025


Finance Minister Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb says that economic reforms in Pakistan have reduced inflation and the current loan program will be the IMF's last.

In an interview with a foreign newspaper, Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb said that Pakistan's credit rating and sovereign credit ratings have improved after the bailout package from the IMF. The situation on the ground is much better than what is seen in the media.

He said that economic reforms in Pakistan have reduced inflation and the current program will be the last IMF program

Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb said that Pakistan is ready to access China's financial markets, CPEC is an important step to further strengthen Pak-China relations, the listing of the Pakistani-Chinese joint venture is expected in Hong Kong, while security measures are underway for Chinese citizens in Pakistan.

Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb further said that Pakistan is ready to access its yuan bond market and encourage corporate stock listings in Hong Kong, while the initial issuance of Panda Bonds is also expected by the end of the current fiscal year

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