John Abraham reveals he has never touched drugs in his entire life - News advertisement

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Thursday, January 9, 2025


John Abraham reveals he has never touched drugs in his entire life

 January 09, 2025


Bollywood actor John Abraham has revealed that he has never personally used drugs in his life.

According to Indian media reports, John Abraham attended an 'anti-drug campaign' event organized by the Indian government in Mumbai, during which, while talking to students, John Abraham revealed that he did not touch drugs.

While advising the students during the lecture, John Abraham revealed, "I want to tell you that I have never personally touched drugs, smoked or drunk alcohol in my entire life

John Abraham advised the students to "stay away from drugs and be a role model for your friends, colleagues and the people around you. I don't have time to give you a long speech, but all I would like to say is to be disciplined in your life."

It should be remembered that John Abraham has previously criticized Bollywood actors Akshay and Ajay Devgn for being part of a Pan Masala advertisement.

 He said that people talk about fitness and then the same people support paan masala, I love all my actor friends and I am not disrespecting any of them but I want to make it clear that I am talking about myself, I will not sell death because it is a matter of principle

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