Endorsement to name 10 extra appointed authorities for Peshawar High Court - News advertisement

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Saturday, February 1, 2025


Endorsement to name 10 extra appointed authorities for Peshawar High Court

  February 01, 2025


Islamabad: The Legal Commission has endorsed 10 extra appointed authorities for the Peshawar High Court.

A gathering of the Legal Commission was held under the chairmanship of Boss Equity of Pakistan Yahya Afridi, in which 10 extra appointed authorities were endorsed for the Peshawar High Court.

As per sources, endorsement has been given to name Farah Jamshed, Inamullah Khan, Mudassar Amir, Sabitullah and Aurangzeb as extra appointed authorities.

Aside from this, Abdul Fayaz, Salahuddin, Sadiq Ali, Tariq Afridi and Aurangzeb Khan will likewise be selected as extra appointed authorities in the Peshawar High Court.

As per sources, the plan of the arrangement of 9 extra appointed authorities was getting looked at in the Legal Commission meeting, however during the gathering, the Central Equity of the Peshawar High Court requested 10 extra adjudicators, to which the Main Equity of Pakistan concurred.

Sources say that the arrangements of 10 extra adjudicators to the Peshawar High Court have been made by larger part vote.

Sources additionally expressed that in the Legal Commission meeting, 3 individuals had a problem with the arrangement of 10 extra appointed authorities rather than 9

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