Indian forces crackdown continues, two Kashmiri youth arrested - News advertisement

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Saturday, December 2, 2023


Indian forces crackdown continues, two Kashmiri youth arrested

The United Nations put pressure on India to end modern-day slavery in Occupied Kashmir, Hurriyat Conference

 Saturday 2 December 2023

Srinagar (Urdu Point Latest News advertisement- NNI. 02 December 2023) Indian forces in the illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir of India continued their crackdown to suppress the freedom movement of Kashmiris while two innocent Kashmiris were killed in the Islam district of South Kashmir. The youth has been arrested. According to Kashmir Media Service, a joint team of Indian army, paramilitary and police arrested the youths Manzoor Ahmed Naiko and Adil Hussain Butt from a check post in Kokarnag area of the district.

To justify the illegal detention of the youth, the police declared them as members of a Mujahideen organization. Occupying officials have arrested hundreds of innocent Kashmiris over the past few weeks for their involvement in the ongoing freedom movement.

Meanwhile, a report released by the Research Department of Kashmir Media Service on "World Day for the Abolition of Slavery" said that India is treating the people of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir like slaves.

The report said that millions of Kashmiris are facing forced slavery under Indian occupation. All-party Hurriyat Conference in a statement issued in Srinagar strongly condemned the terrorism carried out by Indian troops in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and demanded the United Nations. That he should compel India to end modern day slavery in the occupied territory. The statement said that Indian soldiers, who have enormous powers under the black laws, are committing crimes against Kashmiris who are engaged in the struggle to break the shackles of Indian slavery and achieve the right of self-determination recognized by international organizations. are

The All Party Hurriyat Conference also thanked the people of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir for posting a blasphemous video about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by a Hindu student and holding a protest strike yesterday against Indian atrocities. Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir branch convener Mehmood Ahmed Sagar in a statement released in Islamabad expressed regret that the RSS-backed Hindutva government of Narendra Modi occupied the occupied territories for demanding the right to self-determination recognized by the United Nations. has made Jammu and Kashmir a living hell for its inhabitants.

He urged the international community to play its role in resolving the Kashmir dispute as per the UN resolutions to ensure lasting peace in South Asia.

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