More and more Chinese youth aspire to become civil servants - News advertisement

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Saturday, December 2, 2023


More and more Chinese youth aspire to become civil servants

 Saturday 2 December 2023


Islamabad (Urdu Point. News advertisement. 02 December 2023) More than three lakh aspirants for central-level government jobs in China have taken the civil services exam this year. This high number of candidates reflects the concerns of the youth regarding job security in the volatile economy.

According to the Chinese news agency China Daily, the civil services exam was held simultaneously in 237 cities of the country last Sunday.

In this regard, a report by the newspaper Global Times further stated that the exam was for 36,900 posts and an average of 77 candidates appeared for each post.

A Global Times report also stated that interest in government jobs has increased in China over the past five years, with 6.2 million people applying for 37,100 jobs in government agencies and related agencies last year. The test was given.

Currently, there are few job opportunities in the private sector in China. This is another reason why the youth there are opting for government jobs.

In this regard, a Chinese citizen commented on the social media platform Weibo, saying, "Generally (economic) conditions here are not good. Companies are laying off employees and many are even closing down. (Here in the private sector) ) is not very stable and hence I have to opt for government job.

I'd rather do a low-paying job than starve to death in unemployment."

According to a report by China News Network, the number of people enrolled in graduate schools in China has also decreased. Chu Xiaohui, a researcher at the China National Academy of Educational Sciences, says one reason for this is concerns about getting a job.

"Most people's job prospects after graduate school are (now) relatively low," he says.

During the Covid-19, China had a very strict lockdown and the economy saw a sharp decline during this period. The Chinese government has introduced several policies to revive the economy. One of them is to provide financial assistance to companies to strengthen the private sector. However, the substantial results of these measures of the Beijing government have not been revealed yet.

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