Three-quarters sympathetic to refugees, survey - News advertisement

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Three-quarters sympathetic to refugees, survey

 Wednesday June 19, 2024


Islamabad (Urdu Point. UN Urdu. June 19, 2024) Attitudes towards refugees have hardened in some Western countries, but three-quarters of people still believe that those who are tired of war or atrocities should migrate to other countries. I should find shelter.

According to the assessment of the United Nations Office for Refugees (UNHCR) and the multinational research and consulting organization 'Apsos', 73 percent of people in 52 countries believe that people everywhere, including their own country, can seek asylum. Must be able to.

Ahead of World Refugee Day on June 20, the survey assesses perceptions of such people in the global north and south.

Reduced support for refugees

The data shows that public support for providing asylum in many countries has fallen from its highest level in 2022 before Russia's large-scale attack against Ukraine.

According to UNHCR, countries such as Uganda and Kenya have a long tradition of accepting refugees in distress, and people there are more positive about the integration of refugees into their societies. However, the number of such people is small in the major host of refugees and in Western countries.

The organization found that while a third of people believe that refugees will bring positive improvements to their country's labor market, economy and culture, a similar number think otherwise.

The review also raised concerns about the impact of refugees on national security and public services. These concerns are especially acute in countries that are hosting large numbers of refugees.

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