UK imams ask govt to resolve issue of Islamophobia in the midst of mobs - News advertisement

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Wednesday, August 7, 2024


UK imams ask govt to resolve issue of Islamophobia in the midst of mobs

 UK strict pioneers likewise get down on scorn of Islam, Muslims and migrants

August 07, 2024


LONDON: Many driving UK imams (strict pioneers) have given a joint explanation censuring the traditional media and legislators for normalizing disdain of Islam, Muslims and workers — bringing about riots that have ejected nearly across England.

In an explanation shipped off Geo News, the imams have said: "For a really long time, through the Conflict on Dread talk of "psychological warfare", "radicalism", and the implied disappointment of multiculturalism, by dominatingly neoconservative legislators across the political range have fuelled the story that travelers by and large, and Muslims specifically, are the issue.

"By ignoring Muslims and offering upsetting comments concerning movement during the new political race, remembering the ongoing state leader's comments for Bangladeshi people group, has established a climate which we accept has brought about the new occasions.

"On a very basic level associated with these strategies is the continuous decimation against Palestinians by the maverick occupier of Palestine, Israel. Zionist extreme right fomenters, for example, Tommy Robinson among others, who have a past filled with help from supportive of Israeli neoconservatives in the US and the Unified Realm, have been preparing a pushback, frequently brutal and confused, against favorable to Palestine fights.

"Expanding their concentration, these instigators have been effectively spreading against Islam, hostile to traveler misleading publicity and misrepresentations to their organizations, avoiding concentrate away from Israel's violations and the more extensive disappointments of progressive English states."

The imams say this has encouraged the extreme right ill will and opened a stunning degree of savagery. Extreme right hordes have gone after mosques, attacked Muslims, mobbed individuals of color, serious incendiarism against inns, and, surprisingly, torched a Residents Exhortation Department.

The assertion says: "Muslims are fearless ordinarily and will guard themselves, their mosques and their property. Be that as it may, our networks are additionally worried for the wellbeing, everything being equal. This humanized disposition ought not be confused with weakness or inaction.

"At last, we are stunned by the public authority's inability to allude to what has occurred as Islamophobic — this further emphasizes what the Forde Report found that the Work Party has a various leveled framework and that enemy of dark prejudice and Islamophobia are not treated with a similar level of reality as discrimination against Jews."

The strict pioneers have likewise approached Muslims to: "Reinforce your association with Allah All-powerful and whoever fears Allah — He will make for him an exit plan. Keep uncovering the terrible Israeli violations and those complicit in them. We shouldn't fall into the snare of diverting concentrate away from Gaza, the West Bank, and Masjid Al-Aqsa.

"We anticipate that the significant specialists should go to suitable lengths to guarantee that all individuals and spots of love designated are protected. Nonetheless, without security, the overall people ought to go to all lawful lengths to safeguard themselves and their places of love.

"Stay away from vigilantism and heightening, as this will take care of into a favorable to Israeli neoconservative plan to make light of the effect on Muslims by outlining the Muslim reactions as "Islamist" while limiting the extreme right disturbance as "genuine complaints". Stay away from the covering of countenances, as this adds to the mixed signal of vigilantism and bad behavior.

"Where conditions grant, reasonable Muslims from the local area ought to draw in the extreme right culprits of brutality with the illumination of Islam and the point of remedying bogus stories."

The imams have requested that the public authority address the extreme right danger genuinely, not by dissolving protection, but rather by maintaining law and order.

"Carry out essential regulation to manage disdain discourse on the web and view to be answerable every one of the people who are complicit in the spread of deception and Islamophobia. Level the racial and strict instigation regulation and eliminate the requirement for goal while arraigning affectation to strict contempt. Induction and scorn against Muslims go unchallenged in light of the fact that it is lawful to do as such.

"Further develop media guideline beginning with the second piece of the Leveson request. Entreat the press to utilize fitting language while refering to the bigoted walks and social occasions as opposed to calling them protestors. Focus on working with grassroots Muslim associations, for example, MCB, Patch and Mab to console the Muslim people group and to exhibit that the public authority doesn't joke around about handling Islamophobia."

The assertion has been endorsed by the accompanying imams:

Shaykh Haitham al Haddad, London.

Dr Mufti Abdur Rahman, London.

Shaykh Zahir Mahmood, Birmingham.

Ml Yasir al Hanafi, Aylesbury.

Dr Mufti Yusuf Shabbir, Blackburn.

Ml Muhammad Tahir, London.

Imam Khalil Ahmed, London.

Imam Sajid Patel, London.

Imam Zeeshan Qayum, London.

Shaikh Bodrul Hussain, Dagenham.

Imam Raza Ali, London.

Imam Abu Aasiyah Mohammed, London.

Imam Aadil Jabir, London.

Imam Afzal Ahmed, London.

Imam Shah Muhammed, London.

Imam Muhammad Anas, London.

Imam Khaled Ahmed, London.

Imam Mohmed Hussein Ali, London.

Imam Husain Patel, Bolton.

Imam Safwaan Hussein, Dundee.

Imam Suliman Gani, London.

Imam Syed Ahmed, Kidderminster.

Imam Ebrahim Noor, Coventry.

Imam Talha Patel, Bolton.

Imam Mohammed Abubakar, Huddersfield.

Mufti Muhammad Sajjad, Birmingham.

Imam Sami Choudhury, Wednesbury.

Imam Liaquat Zaman, Birmingham.

Imam Abdullah Patel, Gloucester.

Imam Fazal Hassan, Blackburn.

Imam Mohammed Yahya Sidyot, Manchester.

Imam Zubair Yusufzai , Luton.

Imam Fuad Abdo, More noteworthy London.

Imam Waseem Amin, Glasgow.

Mufti Mohammed Dilwar Hussain, London.

Imam Huzayfah Mangarah , London.

Imam Muhammad Ashraf, London.

Imam Azhar Muhammad, Birmingham.

Imam Hifzur Rahman, London.

Imam Shah Abdul Aziz Afridi, Blackburn.

Imam Raja Imaad Ishaq, Batley.

Imam Khabbaab Ahmad, Batley.

Imam Muhammad Shuaib, Birmingham.

Imam Adam Ayub, Bolton.

Imam Mohammad Sala Uddin, Birmingham.

Imam Ahmed Zaman, Birmingham.

Imam Ali-Haider Abdul Rashid, Sheffield.

Shaykh Shaqur Rehman, London.

Imam Asif Afsar, Birmingham.

Imam Umar Hussain, Birmingham.

Imam Shah Muaz Ahmed, London.

Imam Mohammed Al-Masud, Birmingham.

Imam Imtiaz Lorgat, Birmingham.

Imam Ahmed Suleman Sidat, Blackburn.

Imam Suhayb Qayyum, Birmingham.

Imam Qasim Hussain, London.

Mufti Ismail Satia, Blackburn.

Imam Tauseef Rahman, Blackburn.

Imam Shafiq Mohammed, London.

Shaykh Abu Muhammad, Bradford.

Imam Hammad Mangera, Birmingham.

Shaykh Aqif Naqash, Edinburgh.

Imam Huzaifah Ibrahim, London.

Ustadha Dr. Umm Ibrahim, Birmingham.

Mufti Haroon Hussain, Birmingham.

Imam Asif Mahmud, Swamp.

Imam Hanif Dudhwala, Blackburn.

Imam Osman Sardoiwala, Nottingham.

Imam Omar Kadeer Khan, Birmingham.

Imam Ibraheem Saleem, High Wycombe.

Imam Tahir Patel, Birmingham.

Imam Mohammed Farook Kazi, Preston.

Imam Umair Zulfiqar, London.

Imam Abdurrahman Al-Masum, Birmingham.

Imam Ammar Mulla, Preston.

Imam Muhammad Upset Hassan, Blackburn.

Imam Zakwan Patel, Lancaster.

Imam Arif Panchbhaya, Newport.

Imam Nazir Khalifa, Coventry.

Imam Anwar Shaikh, Coventry.

Imam Mohammed Moreea, London.

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