Imran Khan's letter to Armed force Head, mentioning change in strategies: Legal counselor affirms - News advertisement

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Monday, February 3, 2025


Imran Khan's letter to Armed force Head, mentioning change in strategies: Legal counselor affirms

  February 03, 2025


Rawalpindi: PTI pioneer and previous Top state leader Imran Khan composed a letter to Armed force Boss General Asim Munir.

Addressing the media outside Adiala Prison, Imran Khan's legal counselor Faisal Chaudhry said that the PTI organizer, as a previous state leader and party boss, has sent a six-direct letter toward the military boss.

Faisal Chaudhry said that the primary point in the letter is connected with deceitful decisions and the loss of tax criminals, the subsequent point is on the 26th Established Correction, law and order and the legal executive being impacted, while the PTI organizer has likewise alluded to the Al-Qadir Trust case decision

As per Faisal Chaudhry, the fourth point in the letter is on psychological militant flyers, attacks and terminating against the PTI, while the fifth point is connected with crafted by knowledge offices.

He said that the organizer behind PTI, while communicating fortitude with the military in the conflict against psychological oppression, said in the letter that the military is making penances consistently, the whole country ought to remain with the military.

As per Faisal Chaudhry, the organizer behind PTI said in the letter that the PICA regulation was brought to get serious about virtual entertainment, the PICA regulation was condemned, analysis was smothered, the whole fault is falling on the military for undermining columnists, the country's economy is kneeling down, the public authority has impacted the economy by halting the worth of the rupee.

He further said that Imran Khan likewise mentioned in the letter that venture be kept to a base, the web be closed down, a legal commission be framed, and strategies be changed

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